Services - Frenger Consulting

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The following is a partial list of our services

  • Analysis of existing service processes and structures
  • Identification of new service potential
  • Development of new service concepts
  • Restructuring of an existing service organization
  • Structure new national and international service organizations
  • Development and optimization of processes and strategies
  • Service standardization support
  • Identification and definition of proper KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
  • Development of business models for your service, as well as service products
  • Support for changing from reactive to active service
  • Support for internal and external service marketing
  • Service management workshops
  • Monitoring introduction and use of industry 4.0
  • Monitoring implementation of developed strategies, concepts and processes
  • Support for introducing a CRM System in the service organization
  • Support for service employee recruiting

If you need a service that is not listed, please contact us.
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